Yesterday, mom and I went to the doctor for my monthly visit. It had actually been 5 weeks instead of 4, because I had to delay my appointment where mom could go and then the snow. Well, we finally made it at 10:30 this morning. I usually get nervous, but I wasn't this morning. I felt good and was excited to hear little man's heartbeat. I got there and it was crowded, but I went back fairly quick. I did the usual, pee in a cup and then take the dreaded weight. I had gained 4 lbs. I had a new nurse and she was alot better than the last, she found the heartbeat first thing. It was 152 beats per minute and sounding strong. My blood pressure was good, it was 112/85. The bottom number was elevated some, just because I was at the Dr. He came in and told me I was "looking great for a pregnant lady" and that made me feel better! He said "I bet you are getting excited to find out what it is, are you wanting to know" and I giggled and said SURE! I didn't let him in our little peek at After we left we went to some stores in Huntsville, I got my bedding today at "All About Baby" and bought him his first teddy bear. We went with the blue minky dot with brown and green accessories. I am excited to see the nursery unfold, we have a lot of ideas for it. It is way to cold to work on it now and am hoping that Papa Bill and Toph helps me move my stuff when it warms up a little. We had a great day, and are excited because we get to see him again next time~ :)
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